Core Gameplay
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The core of battle is god stone match-three. Every time entering the battle, players need to move the god stone, and let three or more of them to link together. By eliminating stones to initial an attack, and accumulate energy for gods' abilities.
God stones have five colours that are red, blue, green, yellow and purple, represent fire, water, wood, light and dark, respectively. Fire overcomes wood, wood overcomes water, light and dark overcome mutually. For example, if player eliminates stones of fire, it will have an extra attack power on an opponent of wood, if it is an opponent of water, the damage will be decreased.
The elimination of three or more blue god stones, will accumulate god of water's energy. When the energy bar is full, clicking the card will release abilities. Every god has its own battle abilities, such as area effect damage, single target damage, control skills, healing and so on.
There is only one movement of god stone for each turn, but the abilities could be released multiple times. Player will win when all the targets have zero hit points, and will lose when all the player's gods have zero hit points.